Railway History by Donald R. McQueen
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Canadian National Steam!,Donald R. McQueen, 248 pp., 8 x 10.5, 147 photos, 43 tables, 47 appendices, Bibliography, Index, History, April 2013
ISBN: 978-1-927599-00-6 (paper) . . . $49.95
Canadian National Steam!
A Locomotive History of the People’s Railway
An illustrated history of CN's more than 4000 steam locomotives. It is so detailed, so full of photographs and information, the premier volume will then be followed by seven rosters.
Canadian National Steam!, the premiere volume, containing 256 pages, is an updated and expanded text based on Clegg & Corley's Canadian National Steam Power, outlining the history and technical development of steam power as influenced by the different CNR Motive Power Chiefs. It includes a summary of all classes with wheel types, road- and builder-numbers, a list of all predecessor and subsequent owners of CNR power, a builders’ list of CNR steam power, a bibliography, plus hundreds of photos, with spectacular colour covers. You'll get a guide to the individual locomotive roster volumes, plus an extensive series of appendices covering across-the-classes items such as livery, sales, leases, appliance application, (including
compounding, gearing, superheating, feedwater heating, smoke deflectors, stokers, oil burners, cab and tender designs).
The subsequent roster volumes contain the individual locomotive rosters by CNR classes according to similar or related wheel arrangements (including Newfoundland and the Central Vermont). Every steam locomotive is listed, and the roster provides all the information you’d ever want to know (and then some), including build data, ownership history, appliance history, class notes. More than 1300 photographs, with informative captions, appear in the series. Roster volumes, with about 800 pages, feature sturdy wire binding, permitting your book pages to open completely flat.
Don't miss your opportunity to own this historic series. The original Canadian National Steam!, published in 1969, has been out of print for almost 40 years. This new series will be a valuable entry in every CNR enthusiast's library,and is sure to become a rare collector's item.
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Critical Comment
“The most thorough book series I’ve ever seen!”
— Advance Reviewer Comment
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